Funding my business internally

Two tips for first-time restauranteurs

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If you’re a first-time restauranteur and are in the midst of setting up a restaurant, here are two tips to follow. Dedicate as much time as you can to finding excellent wait staff Many new restauranteurs go to great lengths to find the perfect restaurant premises and to headhunt the most talented chef they can afford to hire, but then make the error of being careless when it comes to hiring their wait staff.…

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Could Your Scheme Benefit From a Town Planning Consultant?

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Do you like where you live? If you enjoy living in your town, it is because there are certain aspects of the local area that make it a pleasant place to live. Think for a moment about how you spend your time locally. What do you do when you aren’t at home or in the office? Where do you go to meet friends or do the shopping? What makes the area special?…

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Why Your Wheelchair Is Just as Important As the Wheelchair Restraints When Travelling

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Wheelchair restraints are a great way to allow people who are confined to a wheelchair to still travel with relative ease. There are many different types of wheelchair restraints such as the ones that attach to the floor and allow you to simply slide in and those that have anchor points on the floor and walls and require a bit more effort. However, in all cases where wheelchair restraints are used, it is important that you have a wheelchair that is compatible with them.…

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